'JWN is a much better board because of your presence here and the effort you put into it.'
Blondie, and don't you ever forget it!
she provided a scan of the 2-1-77 watchtower that gave instructions to have the wt study paragraphs read first, then the questions propounded.. prior to that, the questions were asked first, then paragraphs were read.. i attended my first kh meeting in 1973; i was quite perplexed by the study method because i could see that the magazine was given preference over the bible.. thanks, blondie!
'JWN is a much better board because of your presence here and the effort you put into it.'
Blondie, and don't you ever forget it!
july 15th wt study edition (regular dumb edition, not the dumber one).
god's rest - have you entered into it?.
subheading, when someone we love leaves jehovah.
RosePetal: 'this is one of the most un Christian acts I have ever heard of'........my thoughts exactly!
I actually have a dear friend (Patrick) who related to me just a few days ago that he knows of a DF'd person in his territory who he invited last year to the memorial and encouraged him to sit with him for obvious reasons; to make him feel more comfortable (Patrick is not a proud person).
The DF'd person shows up for the memorial.
As it turned out Patrick was the only one that took any sort of interest in this visitor while at the event as this individual's past (this person's mortal sin........occasional smoking) is known by most in the congregation.
You guessed it. Patrick went back this year to invite this DF'd person again and the person's reply was basically.........why?
Can't say that I blame this poor DF'd person.
This organization smacks of hypocrisy!
my last update on my daughter was so good...but it didn't turn out that way.
she was cleared to go back to work, but with limitations... she couldn't lift more than 10 pounds.
her employer wanted her back but wouldn't agree to the lifting restriction.
'Just want to add my support to this thread.'
Me Too!
july 15th wt study edition (regular dumb edition, not the dumber one).
god's rest - have you entered into it?.
subheading, when someone we love leaves jehovah.
I know I've already commented on this thread a few times. However, this is a topic (disfellowshipping/shunning) that when it comes up for discussion stays with me for days it seems.
Anyway with the memorial approaching I am reminded of what happened last year that disgusted me regarding JW's overly righteous ways.
Talk about re-enforcing the shunning that goes on in JW world. Last year we had a visiting speaker who many considered to be a WT heavy almost to the point of worshipping him.
Anyway he had some instructions for the brothers who were going to be passing out the emblems. Now, this may not come as a surprise to some on this board, but it certainly floored me.
The pompous speaker instructed the brothers that if possible they were to pass over any they new to be disfellowshipped and not allow them to touch the emblems. Later I found out that other memorial celebration events received the same or similar instructions.
Talk about rubbing salt on an open wound!
Not to hijack 'undercovers' thread, but any thoughts?
july 15th wt study edition (regular dumb edition, not the dumber one).
god's rest - have you entered into it?.
subheading, when someone we love leaves jehovah.
Hey 'undercover': I also wanted to thank you for sharing the info in the Wt 7-15-11. I'm looking forward to reading more when I receive my copy. Appreciate the heads up!
Billy: What you say here really hits home with me.......'did not interfere with or question the fairness of the JC proceedings. (Which parents often interfere with, because the elders can be harsh, unfair, and judgmental.)'
sir82: Couldn't agree with you more......with one minor exception: -- Answer occasionally regularly at congregation meetings (it matters not one whit if you believe what you say, or if your actions are not in harmony with your comments)
july 15th wt study edition (regular dumb edition, not the dumber one).
god's rest - have you entered into it?.
subheading, when someone we love leaves jehovah.
Just a question: What is an 'exemplary Christian couple' as opposed to the average 'John Doe' publisher/couple? Is there class distinction even among the JWs? There isn't suppose to be.
What determines an 'exemplary' status among JWs? I thought we are all equal among JWs. What about low profile JW parents who do not fall under the category of 'exemplary' (whatever that means) but still attend and contribute and who go along with the DF/shunning policy and have children that are DF'd and who as a result have/are currently suffering as JW parents? Is this article not meant for them?
WTBTS what the hell heck do you mean by 'exemplary'? Am I for example considered as an 'exemplary' individual or not'? Of the 7 million + JWs how many are considered exemplary and how many are not?
WTBTS, if the shoe fits........James 2:4 says: 'YOU have class distinctions among yourselves and YOU have become judges rendering wicked decisions, is that not so?'
july 15th wt study edition (regular dumb edition, not the dumber one).
god's rest - have you entered into it?.
subheading, when someone we love leaves jehovah.
undercover stated: 'This could mean trouble for those of you who are still attending but buck the tide when possible, drop hints and raise questions and who aren't zealous in any aspect of what's expected.'
You make a good point. However, I see many and I mean many getting tired. There is much lower meeting attendance, especially on the part of the servant body that you didn't see before. A lot of the friends are adopting a could care less attitude, partly because of Society's strong stand on disfellowshiping and shunning.
Of all the families that my wife & I have known over the years, I can only think of a few who are still intact, that have not been impacted by the stiff shunning practice. As a result I think that the numbers of those 'bucking the tide' is only going to increase big time.
As one who is a 'JW Gone Bad' and still in, I'm not really concerned with where I am, cause I think with time I'm going to be in good company. I see the WTBTS's mean and harsh shunning policy backfiring real soon!
I can almost taste the WTBTS's blood!
july 15th wt study edition (regular dumb edition, not the dumber one).
god's rest - have you entered into it?.
subheading, when someone we love leaves jehovah.
I believe its' Par 12 or 13 that says: 'Suppose, for example, that the only son of anexemplary Christian coupleleaves the truth.'
Why can't the WTBTS just admit it. The 'exemplary christian couple' that they talk about is none other than Brother Elder and his pioneer wife whose son/daughter/children no longer want to be JWs.
They use 'exemplary Christian couple' when they really mean that many children of Elders in the congregations world wide are high tailing it from the organization and/or are getting DF'd for one reason or another.
I know dozens upon dozens of 'exemplary Christians' (high profile Elders) in our circuit whose children, after leaving the nest leave the 'truth' as well. Good for the children, bad for the WTBTS!
So quite possibly children leaving the organization is no ones imagination, but very much a big problem & very much a reality for the WTBTS! Hence, the 'exemplary christian couple' need encouragement and this article is maybe meant for them.......... Hmmmm!
this is one of the most aggressive watchtowers i think i have ever read.. four study articles on not "following the crowd" not following unrealities(page 13) not following false teachers, meaning apostates of course(p 15).
avoiding false teachers means "refusing to read their literature, watch tv programs that feature them, examine their web sites, or add comments to their blogs.
(para 7, pg 16).
Gayle wrote: 'Now their #1 enemy, they indirectly or somewhat created (but not to their credit), former JWs.'
Soo true, and I'm one of them!
my study conductor has informed me that he & his wife are switching to a foreign language congregation that is far away from the territory they live in (it will involve a lot of driving back & forth).
because he is switching congregations, he said he will not have the energy to devote to my study and recommended another brother who could take over, and i have met him.
however, this change happened simultaneously with a decision i have made.
Tell him you're interested in learning Russian too. See what his excuse is then (just kiddig).
'Could it be that his switch might have anything to do with my study being difficult for him,'
JW Bible study conductors do not do well with confrontation or with Bible students with lots of questions which JWs don't have answers to.